We are available during employee orientation to help migrant workers understand their rights and responsibilities in their first language. We take these opportunities to answer questions on health, income tax, housing and WorkSafe BC (i.e., health and safety rights and responsibilities).
Migrant Workers
Did you know… There are over 9,000 Temporary Foreign Workers in BC*
KIS offers a variety of free support services to migrant workers in the Thompson-Nicola region.
We assist with:
- integration to the community
- access to services
- understanding of rights and responsibilities
- health and safety
- conflict management and crisis counselling
- language practice

Services are provided in 12 different languages. We do regular visits to the communities to meet with community service providers, employer and migrant workers.
Through our Conversation Circle events participants can increase their language skills and become familiar with local services.
Contact us for One-on-one client sessions in person, by phone, e-mail or video chat.
Mitch Ward | Cell. WhatsApp: 250-803-1458 | Email: [email protected]
Migrant Worker Outreach Lead
Service available in English and Spanish
COVID-19 -A new guide for Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada has been developed by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
- English version: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/campaigns/foreign-worker-rights/covid19-guide.html
- French version: https://www.canada.ca/fr/emploi-developpement-social/campagne/droits-travailleurs-etrangers/guide-covid19.html
- Spanish version: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/campaigns/foreign-worker-rights/covid19-guide-spanish.html
The Migrant Worker Hub is a component of the project “Building Capacity to Support BC’s Migrant Workers”. This website is a centralized hub of resources and tools to enhance the knowledge and capacity of individuals, employers, unions, professional associations and other organizations supporting migrant workers in British Columbia.
The purpose of this Migrant Worker Hub is to provide content that contributes to improving the working and living conditions of migrant workers and to exchange knowledge with organizations, employers and staff.
Filing Taxes for Migrant Workers
Employment Insurance – Regular and Special Benefits
*Note: All facts and statistics are based on Statistics Canada data from 2018.