Childminding Registration form


Childminding Program
Immigration Status ( Choose One)

Enter the Permanent Resident Number

Relationship (Choose one)
Care Needed For (Choose One)
This form is intended to travel with a child in the event KIS staff must leave the facility with a child.

In the event of an emergency, KIS staff will keep this information and consent forms to access emergency medical treatment based upon the first aid and emergency information provided

Child's Name
Child's Name

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Guardian's Name
Guardian's Name
Days Attending Childmind
The Kamloops Immigrant Services (KIS) Childminding Program policy is to notify a parent or guardian in the event a child is ill or needs medical attention. In such case, if we cannot reach you immediately and the child needs immediate medical help, we will take the child to the nearest emergency centre. We will take this consent form to the emergency centre. It serves as your consent to have your child treated by emergency services.
I authorize the staff at the KIS to call a physician, take my child to the nearest emergency centre or summon an ambulance for emergency medical aid should they feel this is required and I cannot be contacted. If such an emergency should arise, I shall be notified as immediately as possible.

I, ................................................................understand that in order to use the Childminding Services at KIS while I am attending LINC, settlement services and/or workshops, I must not leave the premises without my child for ANY reason. My child must not leave the premises without me unless in the case of emergency.

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