School Transportation

School Transport

All new students who are registered with the district before the end of the school year and are eligible for transportation in accordance with School District No. 73 Board Policy 17 Transportation of Students will receive a registration card.

The School bus walk limit policy for schools and buses is in effect in all areas of the School District:

  • Primary students, K to Grade 3: 4 km to a school and 3.2 km to a bus stop.
  • All other students, Grade 4 to 12: 4.8 km to a school and 3.2 km to a bus stop


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Événement à venir


Profitez de 6 séances de yoga GRATUITES au parc McDonald de 18h30 à 19h30 tous les mercredis, du 5 juin au 10 juillet 2024.