Hot Lunch Program at School

Preparing for School

School supplies will be given by the 학교s, and you may be asked to pay a small fee for this.  Please prepare a pair of running shoes, bag pack, lunches, and snacks for your children. You may also have the option to sign your child up for hot lunches. Check with the school team or a SWIS worker to find out if your school offers this program.


There are students in school who may have life threatening allergies. Please check-in with school staff before packing the following foods: 
  • Nuts 
  • Sesame seeds
  • Tree nuts
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2024년 6월 5일부터 7월 10일까지 매주 수요일 오후 6시 30분부터 7시 30분까지 맥도날드 파크에서 6가지 무료 요가 세션을 즐겨보세요.