If you are a refugee claimant, or an asylum seeker, in Canada, it is important for you to understand the steps you will have to take to file a refugee claim and obtain a hearing.

You can contact KIS, an organization that delivers BC Services and Assistance for Humanitarian and Vulnerable Newcomers (BC SAF HAVN) program. BC SAF HAVN has specialized support to navigate the refugee claim process and provide you with help with your immediate needs.

Services provided through the BC SAF HAVN program:

  • Settlement information, orientation and referrals.
  • Claim submission process support, immigration information or application & assistance completing non-immigration-related forms.
  • Community connections and informal language practice.
  • Short-term non-clinical counselling.
  • Labour market information, orientation and networking.
  • Information on workplace rights and responsibilities & supports in case of workplace safety or employment standards violation.
  • Customized employment counselling.
  • Short-term pre-employment training & supported access to WorkBC and other employment training programs.
  • Language Assessments.
  • Formal English Language Training.
  • Short-term Emergency Accommodation.
  • Housing search & coordination.
  • Psycho-social Trauma Counselling.
Services are available in Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, French, Arabic, Korean, Spanish, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Swahili, and Marathi in our BC SAF HAVN team. More languages are available upon request.
Find a service provider near you that delivers the BC SAF HAVN program тут.

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