우리의 비젼. 사명. 역사
이민자, 이민자, 난민, 눈에 보이는 소수자, 1세대 캐나다인 및 그 가족이 캐나다 사회의 온전하고 평등한 구성원이 되도록 발전시키기 위해 고안된 프로그램 및 서비스를 제공합니다.
KIS 미션
우리의 비전
KIS recognizes its responsibility and role in the collective impact of ensuring Canada is a safe, supportive home for newcomers, and acknowledges that improved outcomes for newcomers strengthens the fabric of our communities socially, culturally and economically through the unique talents, perspectives and experiences that newcomers bring. As an experienced leader and service provider in settlement services, KIS is committed to promoting awareness of the contributions newcomers bring to Canada.
Locally, KIS is committed to positioning Kamloops to be a city of choice for immigrant newcomers by responding to emerging needs of new clients with innovative services and through its reach and influence, creating communities where immigrants feel safe and can fully integrate in all aspects of community and Canadian life. To that end, KIS will continue its collaborative structures and relationship-based approach to settlement services, enhancing acceptance and diversity within the community though collaboration, strategic partnership agreements, and MOUs for service delivery with multiple agencies. Facilitating multi-cultural collaborations will lead to proactively reframing the public debate and impact current and emerging policies in ways that advocate for social, political, economic and educational equity for newcomers.
To achieve this vision, KIS will develop organized actions to address issues facing newcomers and provide opportunities for community learning in order to advance multicultural awareness to help newcomers achieve social, political, economic, and educational equity. Ultimately, these efforts will promote the understanding of the unique cultural and ethnic heritage of newcomers and contribute to the development of a culturally responsible and responsive society.
우리의 사명
이민자, 이민자, 난민, 눈에 보이는 소수자, 1세대 캐나다인 및 그 가족이 캐나다 사회의 온전하고 평등한 구성원이 되도록 발전시키기 위해 고안된 프로그램 및 서비스를 제공합니다. 지방, 지역 및 국가 차원에서 정착, 통합 및 다문화 문제를 옹호합니다. 이민자와 눈에 보이는 소수자에 대한 인종차별을 근절하기 위한 조치를 취하십시오. 캐나다 사회에서 이민, 다문화주의 및 다양성의 중요성에 대한 인식을 높입니다. 이민자, 이주자, 난민 및 소수 민족이 직면한 장벽과 도전을 제거하는 데 있어 존중과 이해를 증진합니다.
우리의 역사
1980년 3월 캠룹스 중국 문화 협회는 캠룹스에 도착하는 수많은 동남아시아 난민을 위한 정착 지원의 필요성에 응답했습니다.
The Vietnamese and Immigrants’ Community Center was opened, with a staff of two. Many will remember this time as the arrival of the Boat People incident. In 1982, the Kamloops Chinese Cultural Associations had fulfilled their mandate for two years’ assistance. However, the need for services to immigrants from various backgrounds was evident. Thus, on January 20, 1982, KAMLOOPS-CARIBOO REGIONAL IMMIGRANT SOCIETY was incorporated as a non-profit society with the purpose of sponsoring an immigrant service agency. This agency was named “The Immigrants’ Community Centre”. In 1985, the agency was more appropriately re-named Kamloops
이민자 서비스. 프로그램과 서비스는 Kamloops Immigrant Services를 통해 제공됩니다.