Taller de arte macramé
Register here: bit.ly/CC-Nov-Activity
Comida compartida de septiembre de KIS
Email Emily at [email protected] to register.
Patinaje sobre hielo familiar en interiores
Register here: http://bit.ly/3OytSSB
Taller de arte de fabricación de joyas
Register here: http://bit.ly/KIS-Jewelry-Making
Festival de tapices Ford de Dearborn
Come! Join us to celebrate Kamloops’ unique, diverse community at KIS’s very own Diversity Festival, named Dearborn Ford Tapestry Festival, in partnership with the NSBIA. It is FREE, and we […]
Tour de equitación terapéutica por Kamloops
Register here: http://bit.ly/3DWgsuv
Plantación de fresas
Register here: bit.ly/3OXMMna